Friday, August 7, 2009

Mesa Verde - Amor Fati

A quick roll of the dice and I've decided my first review would be a screamo review. Ok, there were no dice involved but there are several reasons behind why I chose this genre and this particular artist/album.
A. Either I'm ignorant or there aren't enough of these happening in the world.
B. This is the band that really got me into this music so I'm going to assume it will do the same for you.

Before hearing these guys I was constantly being introduced to alot more chaotic bands like orchid, saetia, and la quiete and I just found it impossible to like this music. One day in my mission to learn to love this particular brand I stumbled across these fellows and was immediately blown away. The first song I heard was MRB and I just fell in love it was so melodic and really spoke to me, anyways onto the review!

The album begins with Clarity With Distance which would appear to be a slow driven, atmospheric if you will sound but quickly picks up the pace with plenty of crashing drums, painful screams, and thrashing chords. It keeps up the pace and takes it farther with Substance Abuse which is a fast driven song that keeps true to what most expect out of a screamo song and is then followed with an untitled track which brings us back to the atmospheric sound you were expecting from the get go but don't worry, it doesn't last long enough to bore you to death. By the end of this we've reach my personal favorite MRB (because you didn't know that) this song is just so beautiful and melodic I don't really know what to say about this track other than its the perfect screamo song to me. And finally we reach Dance Dance Dance the final track again we're drawn back to a slow atmospheric sound reminiscent of bands like Red Sparrowes. Fret not again we're ripped back into the thrashing harmony that is screamo. And there you have first and hopefully not last review.

Overall I give this album a 3.5/5 well worth the listen.


Please support the fuck out of this band, they're still around and still awesome.

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